
Compass is one of Holy Spirit Infants School’s primary communication tools. It is utilised each day to inform parents/carers of events as they happen throughout the school term. It is also used to send out our school newsletter fortnightly and any notifications to parents. It also records student attendance.

A Compass Kiosk is in our school foyer and is used as a tracking tool for our students and any visitors to our school. Parents/carers need to sign in (as a visitor when on-site) and sign out (when leaving our school site). In the event your child arrives late or needs to leave early, signing in and out is mandatory.

Compass operates via an app. You are advised to create your account using login details provided by the school. When creating an account, please ensure your details are kept up-to-date.

For any Compass related issues, please contact the school on 4930 4361.

Access the Compass Portal