Student Leadership

Holy Spirit aims to provide opportunities to develop and cultivate leadership qualities within all students. We aim to instil in students, a strong sense of social justice through the service of others.


During the end of term 4, students from Year 1 are eligible to be nominated to become a member of the team of six Student Leaders for the following year, based on the number of Gotchas received. Willing students will have parental permission and nominations are submitted to the principal. Students are then asked to present a short persuasive speech to the school community. After the school community votes and with approval from the principal in consultation with the school staff, the successful students are announced at the end of year liturgy and then presented with their leadership team badges at the opening school liturgy the following year.

The leaders perform a number of ceremonial roles on special occasions. They meet and liaise often with the principal. The leaders are responsible for setting a good example by being responsible, respectful and safe at all times.

School Leaders represent the school at school and community functions –  ANZAC March, Parish Masses, Diocesan Masses as well as school-based activities such as welcoming visitors and attending a meeting with the principal to share their ideas/concerns about our school.